
Putting up sheds, greenhouses, polytunnels and other structures

You may put up a shed and other temporary structures, such as greenhouses, polytunnels, water containers or compost containers. These structures must not take up more than a quarter of your plot in total. You should keep all structures well maintained and in good condition.

You are allowed to have one shed on your plot and either a greenhouse or a polytunnel.

Where possible, put structures at the rear of your allotment plot or as directed by your Allotment Association or the Birmingham District Allotment Confederation. A gap of at least 60 centimetres (2 feet) should be left between any structure and the boundary fence of any private garden alongside the allotment.

You should not build structures with permanent foundations. Sheds or greenhouses may be supported on temporary foundations that are a maximum of 22 centimetres (9”) deep and laid dry.

If a structure on your plot doesn’t meet the conditions set out here, your Allotment Association may ask you to take it down.


You are allowed to have one shed up to 3 metres by 2.4 metres and 2.6m high (10’ by 8’ by 8’6”).

Construction and materials

Your shed can be made from a kit, in metal or timber.

Alternatively, you can build your own shed from clean sawn wood. Your shed must be clad in planed soft wood, cedar wood, shiplap or weather boarding. You should not use felt covering on shed sides.

Your shed roof should be laid on purlins. Rigid corrugated plastic may be used for the roof. Chimneys are not permitted.

Your shed should have guttering connected to a water container sunk into the ground.


Sheds must be painted mid-green or treated with a suitable wood preservative at least every three years.


Your greenhouse can be up to 3 metres by 2.4 metres and 2.6m high (10’ by 8’ by 8’6”).

Greenhouses should be glazed with glass or horticultural PVC. Thin polythene sheeting is not allowed.


A polytunnel can be up to 6 metres by 3 metres (20 feet x 10 feet). You must get permission from your Allotment Association or the Birmingham District Allotment Confederation before you build a polytunnel on your plot.

Water containers and compost containers

Compost containers can be up to 1.2 metres by 1.8 metres by 0.76 metres in height (4' x 6' x 2'6"). They can be made from wood or mesh or from an approved manufactured design.

Other temporary structures

From the 1 June to 31 October you may also have other temporary structures on your site, such as fruit cages.

These should cover a maximum of 55.7 square metres (600 square foot) of your plot and be a maximum of 2.13 metres (7 foot) in height. 

The structures may be purchased or self-built from a framework of clean sawn timber, metal or approved manufactured design. Coverings of clean, heavy gauge polythene sheeting are permitted.