
Report uncontrolled or dangerous dogs

What's the problem?

If you've been bitten by a dog and you know who the owner of the dog is, or you suspect someone is keeping a (such as a Pit Bull Terrier), phone the police on 101 or .

If you are concerned about public safety, phone 999.

Any dog owner not complying with Public Space Protection Orders, as detailed below, or are not adequately controlling their dogs can be reported.

We can visit or write to dog owners if their dogs are causing a nuisance.

Report a dog issue online

or phone Birmingham Dog Warden on 0121 303 6007.

Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPOs)

We can serve fixed penalty notices to people who break these orders in the Birmingham area without a valid reason.

These orders make it an offence for a dog owner (or anyone in charge of a dog) to:

Failure to respond to a fixed penalty notice can result in prosecution.

Consultation to extend existing PSPOs

A public consultation took place to ask your views on plans to extend the 5 dog-related Public Space Protection Orders in place across Birmingham.

The Orders, which tackle irresponsible dog owners who fail to control and clear up after their pets, have been in place since 2014. The consultation started on 21 August 2023 and closed on 18 September 2023.

It proposed to make no changes to the Orders which require dog owners to:

  • clear up after their dogs
  • keep dogs on leads – on all public roads, adjoining footways, and verges excluding designated parks
  • not allow their dogs into any clearly demarcated children's play area and school land
  • put their dog on a lead when directed to do so by an authorised officer
  • exercise no more than 4 dogs on any open land in Birmingham

There are exemptions for assistance dogs.

Page last updated: 25 June 2024