What cards can I use to pay online?
You can pay 彩霸王论坛 online by debit or credit card. We accept Mastercard, Debit Mastercard, Visa, Visa Debit, Maestro and Solo.
Is it secure?
Your card details will be encrypted and stored on a secure server at WorldPay.
How does it work?
When you complete the payment form, you'll need to enter a reference number and contact details so we can get in touch if we need to.
After your have entered your details and the payment amount, you'll be transferred to the secure WorldPay site where you can enter your card details securely.
WorldPay then approves the payment and tells us that your payment has been authorised. We will then process your payment within one working day or the next available working day after weekends or bank holidays.
Refund Policy
We make every effort to ensure that all payments collected are correct. We have a Refunds Policy that protects your interests in the event of us collecting too much money from you.