
Contacting us about adult social care services and support

You can contact us online:

When you submit the forms with a valid email address, you will receive a PDF version of the form.

This form will be processed during our normal working hours:

Monday to Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm

You can contact us in the following ways:

Phone: 0121 303 1234

Email: CSAdultSocialCare@birmingham.gov.uk

If you have a hearing impairment, you can contact us using the text relay service. Details of this service can be found on the .

Visit our dedicated webpage for recent updates on Secure GCSX inbox.

Your feedback is important

We value feedback to help us improve and shape future services.

Use the ASC feedback form to provide feedback on any recent contact you have had with Adult Social Care, such as an event you have attended or a service you, or someone you represent, has received,

ASC feedback form: Begin now

This submission is not part of the Corporate Complaints, Compliments and Comments process

Page last updated: 23 February 2024