
Occupational Therapy Service for Adults

What does an occupational therapist do?

An occupational therapist will complete an assessment with you. They will try to understand your health conditions and how they impact your daily life.

The occupational therapist can provide you with advice and equipment to improve how you:

  • complete chair, bed or toilet transfers
  • access your property
  • mobilise on the stairs
  • prepare drinks, meals and snacks
  • access your current bathing facilities

The assessment may also cover:

  • your eligibility for adaptations to be made to your home
  • giving you advice and information about other services

This service is aimed at Birmingham residents over the age of 18.

Applying for an occupational therapy assessment

You can make a referral for an occupational therapy assessment on our website.

You can also:

Page last updated: 7 March 2023